How to Start a Business from Scratch?

how to start a business from scratch

There is no formula for building a successful business. There are many factors that influence when building, growing and maintaining a company, and many times even with experience the results are uncertain. But the best advice I can give you is to start now and learn as quickly as possible. It does not matter if … Read more

How to create a VPN network in Cloud Insights?

VPN network in Cloud Insights

Cloud Insights is an application that allows you to manage your teams and devices through the cloud. It is one of the most popular apps in this sense, because it allows you to do it locally and remotely just by having an internet connection. The different functions of this application are so intuitive and efficient … Read more

Top 3 Business Process Automation Tools in Companies

business process automation

After so much commitment, time and effort, what less than to start the year looking to improve the results of your company? Automation in management or industrial companies is the use of technologies for the control and monitoring of processes, devices, machines, robots and even applications/products. In general, they tend to be repetitive interventions where … Read more

7 Key Business Values ​​for Any Company

Key Business Values

A company is a complex entity whose main objectives are economic. It is no secret that the ultimate goal of the vast majority of companies is to obtain the highest performance and economic benefit. However, for this you must take into account many factors that do not have to be exclusively economic, such as business … Read more

How to Start a Business Without Money

How to Start a Business Without Money

Many times when you are an entrepreneur you don’t have adequate capital so you have to start from scratch. When developing a business, three basic aspects must be activated: Creativity, Courage, and Know how to express yourself. The lack of money must be fought with ideas, it is complicated, but it is possible. The decision … Read more

How to transform a call into a sale?

Phone sales

Making sales by phone is not an easy task. The challenge is to maintain the attention of a potential client, differentiating your call from so many other telemarketing calls that you receive. 4 tips for phone sales When the public rejects this method of sales and dissemination overwhelmingly, it is worth trying some different steps … Read more

Why Are Encryption Important For Businesses?

Encryption Important For Businesses

Data security has become one of the major concerns in the digital world. Unfortunately, we live in an era where gathering information has become too easy for everyone; When we say for everyone, that includes fraudulent activists and hackers. Seeing how data breaches have become a common occurrence in the digital society, the implementation of … Read more

5 Keys to Analyze a Business Idea

5 Keys to Analyze a Business Idea

A business idea becomes an important inspiration for the entrepreneur who sees the potential in it. But, beyond appearance, an idea must be analyzed in its entirety. At Wikipluck we give you the keys to achieve it. 1. Relationship between supply and demand A business idea makes sense when there is a target audience interested … Read more