Discover the keys to semantic SEO

SEO is keyword analysis, optimizations, and 4 more things. That’s what many mortals think, but the truth is that SEO is in constant flux and movement. SEO is based on a series of practices that adapt to the changes of the moment. These changes are the result of updates to the Google algorithm.

Google is the King. One of those changes or improvements has been the Hummingbird algorithm, from which Google began to understand the user’s search intention, that’s where semantic SEO is especially important.

What is semantic SEO?

It is very simple, as its name suggests, semantic SEO is directly related to semantics, that is, to the part of linguistics in charge of interpreting expressions. It is not only the keywords as such that are taken into account, but also the relationship between them.

Since the Hummingbird update, Google began to return much more humanized answers and to understand more complex searches, voice searches have a very important role here.

For example: you stopped searching for “Christopher Nolan” to start looking for “Who is the director of tenet” to which Google responds with a rich card, without having to click on any result.

Google went from being a search engine to solving doubts and questions. All this made that insight that says “we must write for humans, not only for search engines” gained even more force.

How to optimize the semantic SEO of your website?

With all this that we have, aspects that, until then, had fallen a little into oblivion began to regain strength.

Structured data markup: to help Google process the content and establish a context, it is advisable to enhance the rich snippets on your site that will also help determine what is more important and what less. But it is very important to validate the code before implementing it, for this, Google’s structured data tool is very useful.

Work on the content: synonyms are important, of course, but they are not the only ones. What do we mean by this? It is important to include, in addition to synonyms, to incorporate words that help Google to contextualize the content. Check these 10 Tips to Create Quality Content for Your Blog and Website.

For example: if we want to talk about “meringue”, we should include keywords such as:

  • Dessert
  • Sweet
  • Sugar
  • Italian meringue

Otherwise Google can confuse it with another merengue, the Dominican dance.

As you can see, the main function of semantic SEO is to help Google process and understand the content to give a more complex and personalized response to each user. It’s easy to improve, so don’t put it aside! Over time it can start to take its toll on you.

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