10 Apps to Lose Weight and Exercise our Body

If you are one of those who had a New Year’s resolution to lose weight in January, but it only lasted 3 days, and now that the time to put on a swimsuit is approaching you want to lose weight quickly, we recommend any of these applications to help you in your daily effort.

To lose weight there are many applications, either those focused on diets, healthy meals and calorie control or those focused on strengthening our muscles and exercising our body.

Google fit

This free application records all the activities we carry out throughout the day, even automatically, as well as keeping track of our daily calorie intake and expenditure.


With MyFitnessPal we can keep track of the calories ingested daily. This app has the largest food database of all the apps in its category. Automatically calculate the nutritional goals to meet or create our own personalized plans.


This app improves on the previous one in that it also offers a macronutrient and calorie planner, as well as advice on diets made by experts, among others.


It is one of the best companions for the gym, since with it we can create routines and control the series, repetitions and breaks of our programmed activities.


This application has more than 90 short exercises and 4 different training programs according to our goals.

These are very effective high intensity interval workouts for losing fat.


It is one of the most famous applications among runners mainly. Monitor all our daily physical activity.


If you are one of those whose problem is motivation or willpower to lose weight or exercise, this app is perfect for you. This application has motivational programs aimed at losing weight or getting in shape.


Seven. They are the minutes you need to lose weight. This application proposes training sessions of only seven minutes in duration to lose as many calories as possible. In addition, to motivate us, it has a scoring system through hearts that will go up or down depending on whether we carry out our activity or not.

Lose It!

It is another of the applications focused on weight loss and control of calories ingested during the day.


This application creates personalized training plans with the aim of improving our physical form by keeping track of our activities.

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